Life Choices Coaching

‘Henrietta has the skills to get you to look at the things that matter, and then follow through.’

— Frances Rivers, Photographer

☁︎ I have all these plans but I don’t know where to start

☁︎ Over the years I’ve lost touch with my hobbies and interests

☁︎ I’d love to move house but it feels too complicated

☁︎ My sense of purpose has gone and I need to get it back

☁︎ Whenever I try to discuss things I always seem to make it worse …

Do you ever feel that there’s no solution to your problem? You really want to resolve issues but you keep going round and round in circles, never finding a way forward.

Through coaching I will provide a safe and supportive space for you to ‘think out loud’. I will support you to drill down into issues to make helpful discoveries, find new perspectives and re-discover resources and skills you’ve forgotten you had. Unlike friends and relatives, I won’t be offering you my opinion or giving you advice. Instead I will use my skills to help you find answers which are unique to you and your individual situation, and the confidence and resilience to turn your decisions into actions.


Relationship coaching

If you are struggling in your relationship with your partner, looking to create a new relationship or wanting to improve relationships with family and friends, take a look at my other website –